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OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre
Oxfordshire Therapy & Self-Development Network: 1-to-1 Counselling & Psychotherapy - Group Therapy & Workshops in Oxford and Witney

Welcome to OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre

Updated info:

  • We have started a 'PsychoEducation Blog' at the bottom of this home page to help develop our understanding of human nature and the challenge of changing how life is. You can go directly to the blog here.
  • we will be starting another therapy group on a Tuesday evening in Oxford from September. For more details click here.
  • if you are look for therapy room hire in Oxford, we have some space available. For more details see here

    Welcome to OTS, where we have the most comprehensive range of counselling and psychotherapy services in Oxford, Witney and surrounding areas, to meet the differing individual needs of our clients (couples, families or individuals) and visitors. Every person is unique - with different needs, even if you have the same problem!

    Here you can discover - that there are many ways of meeting your needs for counselling and psychotherapy!
    We have made this website as straightforward as we can to help you identify what you need, and to link you with the right information about counselling and psychotherapy. To achieve this you may find you open links on one of our two sister sites - OTS-Witney Therapy Centre, and OTS-Oxfordshire Therapy & Self-Development. Or, you can email us via the contact details in the right-hand column--->
    Emails are usually responded to within 24-hours (48-hours during busy times)

    Click here if you want counselling or psychotherapy
    About OTS - the what, where, who & why
    Trainee Placements
    Free talks and events - for the public & practitioners

    OTS Newsletter - if you would like to receive our infrequent newsletter you can subscribe by entering your email address on the right.

    We have a comprehensive range of resources on our main OTS website to help individuals, couples and families with issues including depression, stress, anxiety, bereavement, eating disorders, gender and sexuality as well as links if you need urgent help and support.

    Click here to see our resources

  • Options: what type of counselling or psychotherapy do you need?

    There are hundreds of different types of counselling & psychotherapy (and psychological therapies in general), and you are unique - one person suffering with depression, anxiety or stress isn't the same as another person with depression, anxiety or stress. The challenges that couples and families face are also unique. Finding the right approach and more importantly the right counsellor or therapist or group for you is essential in meeting your particular needs.

    We can offer assistance - through our assessment and referral service for anyone unsure of what type of counselling or psychotherapy is right for them!
    We also offer you lots of information about the counselling and psychotherapy services we offer on this website and on the main OTS website to help you make your own informed choice. Depending on the option that you choose, you may open a page on the main OTS website. This site will remain open in your browser for you to return to.

    Read through this list of options and then select one for further information:

    Why do individuals, families or couples contact us?
    Help finding the best counselling/psychotherapy for you
    One-to-one counselling or psychotherapy
    Group Therapy
    Couples/relationship counselling
    Child and family therapy
    Low-cost counselling
    Fees: Costs for different therapy options
    About OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre

    Why do individuals, families or couples contact us?

    The reasons someone might feel they need to see a counsellor or psychotherapists are as unique and diverse as the individuals who seek one. It could be because of a diagnosed problem such as stress, depression, anxiety, addiction or difficulties with a relationship for example but it could also be a desire to improve our general mental and emotional wellbeing. Life presents us with many challenges and whether it is past or present emotional difficulties for you, in your relationship or family OTS can help to address these issues by referring you to one of the many different therapeutic approaches we offer. Having dedicated time and space to talk with a trained counsellor or psychotherapist in a safe and confidential environment can help you gain a better understanding of your feelings and behaviour and find less destructive and life-limiting coping mechanisms. Just as most of us take care of our physical health, counselling helps us to take care of our mental health and provides us with the tools and self-belief in order that we can manage more effectively in the future.

    The resources on our main OTS website offer support across many of the wide range of difficulties people seek help with, but are by no means an exhaustive list!

    Click here to see our resources

    Help finding the best counselling/psychotherapy for you

    As there are many different types of therapeutic approaches and different types of counsellors and psychotherapists, we can help you to the find the right therapist for you, your relationship or family. Anyone who has ever had counselling or psychotherapy is likely to agree that it is the relationship that develops between you and your counsellor or psychotherapist that is so important in how beneficial the therapy is. Our assessment and referral interviews will give you a chance to explore this; to say what you would like help with and what you want or need from therapy. Whether it is one-to-one therapy, couples or family therapy or group therapy that is the best option for you we can agree with you on a way forward. We are usually able to see you for an assessment within a week.

    More info and request an asesssment/referral interview here

    If you would like to see details of some of the fully qualified counsellors/therapist who we might refer you to click here. Please note there are many other practitioners who do not appear on our website.

    One-to-one counselling or pychotherapy

    At OTS we see all potential clients as individuals. You are unique, and your life challenges, how you cope with them and what type of therapy works for you will also be unique! Your counsellor or psychotherapist will also be unique in who they are and how they practice so if you decide individual therapy is right for you, we will help you to find someone who will work with you as an individual and provide the right amount of support and challenge for you. It may be that group therapy would be more effective and we will explore this in more detail also.

    Click here for more on one-to-one counselling or psychotherapy

    Group therapy

    Joining a group of strangers can sound intimidating but has many potential benefits like:

  • knowing you are not alone with your struggles

  • discovering that you have lots to offer to others to help them with their life challenges

  • finding that your self-esteem and sense of isolation improve

  • Once you have overcome the very common initial anxiety that most people feel, group counselling or psychotherapy has been shown to be as, or more effective than individual therapy for many people. It is also often more affordable than one-to-one therapy.

    Click here for more information on group therapy

    Couples/relationship counselling

    Just as we as individuals are unique, so are all our relationships. It is important for couples (gay, straight, bisexual or transgender) who may be looking for help with their relationship to explore whether therapy is right for them and which counsellor or psychotherapist they might work best with. Whether you are in a new relationship or one that is more long-term we can support you through major crises or help if you just feel generally dissatisfied with your partner or feel that you have “drifted apart”. You might also want help because you find it hard to be in or maintain a relationship. We recommend you have an assessment interview to discuss these issues.

    Click here for more on couples/relationship counselling

    Child and family therapy

    At OTS we can offer some help in the field of child and family therapy but as most specialists work within the NHS we recommend you contact us to discuss your needs further.

    Click here for more information on child/family therapy

    Low-cost counselling

    We are all aware of the huge difficulties people face accessing appropriate help and support from the NHS to be able to deal with whatever life challenges they are struggling with. We also know that for many people the typical cost of individual therapy sessions with experienced counsellors can be too much. This is why people turn to organisations like OTS and is why one of our key aims is to make counselling more accessible and affordable. Whether this be via group therapy, (which for many people is as effective as individual therapy), or our low-cost service mainly staffed by trainees on placement with us. An assessment/referral interview will help us to assess whether this option is suitable for you.

    Click here for more information on low-cost counselling

    Fees: Costs for different therapy options

    Fees for an assessment and referral interview and any counselling or psychotherapy that is then recommended varies depending on a range of factors. Group therapy tends to be charged on a sliding scale, counselling for individuals depends on the practitioner you see, and couples therapy is generally charged at a higher rate. How much you can afford is obviously an important part of the assessment/referral interview, but we have provided an indication of the costs of the different therapy options we offer.

    Click here for more information on costs for therapy options

    About OTS-Oxford Oxford Therapy Centre

    'we have the widest range of therapy options and can find the right counsellor or psychotherapist for you, your relationship or your family’

    The OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre opened in 2018 to provide a thriving counselling and therapy community for Oxford, Witney and the surrounding areas. The centre has 2 group rooms and 3 individual therapy rooms, all providing a comfortable and relaxing environment for individual, group or family therapy. If you are looking for counselling or psychotherapy in Oxford, we offer assessments in Oxford and Witney, and can refer you to one of our practitioners who work at different venues across the region. We also have low-cost practitioners on placement with us, who work at our two centres and in Jericho at the Community Centre, and in Botley at The Oxford Community Health Hub.

    As well as our new centre in Oxford our other therapy centre is in central Witney, just around the corner from the main bus stops at the top of the High Street. We are well placed for people travelling from Abingdon, Burford, Bampton, Carterton, Eynsham, Faringdon, Oxford, Wantage and other surrounding towns and villages.

    If you are a practitioner and are interested in therapy room hire at our centres in Oxford or Witney, please see details on ‘Room Hire’ tab. If you would like to join our growing network and community of excellence see details via the 'Joining OTS' tab.

    The PsychoEducation Blog

    Welcome to our blog - To help develop our understanding of human nature and the challenge of changing how life is. We will add new thinking to this blog at the beginning of each month so you can check back for the next instalment!

    Jan 2025: The Brain, the Nervous System & Change - part 1.

    Change is sometimes easy to make - If we get tired of watching the ITV news, we can give the BBC a go. But most change that we seek to address (often through therapy) has varying degrees of difficulty, as you probably know. There are many complex reasons for this, and many different theories (hundreds in fact) that the psychological professions have come up with to try to understand why and what can help overcome the difficulty. All these theories hold some value and some truth, but just like with the laws of physics and ideas in economics, none of them are complete.

    You have possibly come across the idea that the human brain is the most complex structure that we know of in the universe. In recent years neuroscientists have understood more to confirm this reality. We now know, that we are born with around 86 billion neurons in our brain, which then connect with each other on multiple levels as we experience life and develop an understanding for how the world works. These connections form a neural network, with more synaptic connections between the neurons than there are stars in the universe. And there are more start in the universe than there are grains of sand on planet earth! And all this by the age of 5.

    So, when people come seeking counselling and psychotherapy at our Oxford & Witney centres, sometimes they don't always appreciate why change can be so difficult. But, when we think about the complexity of the brain which I have just outlined, which forms alongside our nervous system during the first years of life, you begin to appreciate why neuroscientist are now confirming what Freud was theorising about 120 years ago, that we are predominantly 'unconscious'.

    More on this next month...

    Feb 2025: The Brain, the Nervous System & Change - part 2.
    Last month, we referenced the neuroscience which now appreciates that the vast majority of the structure of your brain and nervous system as you read this text formed by the age of 5. But if we asked you to write a book about all you could remember of those first 5-years, how big a book could you write? Most people, when we ask them this question would answer with, a page or two at most; with some people saying they have no memory of this brain and nervous system forming time at all.

    There is a concept called ‘Neuroplasticity’, which refers to the ability of the brain to change through further experiences beyond the age of 5, and throughout life. We know that with new information for example, our opinions can change. Some opinions are however, more resilient than others. A good example would be with voting in general elections. ‘Floating Voters’ are known as such because their vote changes from one election to another. For others, they would never vote anything other than conservative, or labour for example. Why is there this difference between floating and committed voters?

    For the purpose of this blog, let us imagine that a client came to therapy because they were a fixed voter, and wanted to become a floating voter (or vice versa), and they wanted us to help them with this ‘problem’. At this point, we don’t need to develop an understanding of why someone would have a problem like this - after all, it is often the case that we don’t understand the problems other people have at all. We are really just fleshing out some of the landscape as to why change might be difficult, and how we might begin to think about it with this voting client. So, between now and next month’s blog, you might consider reasons why some people are floating voters and some are not, and what the implications are for the therapist they want help from.

    March 2025: Change and the ‘floating voter’.
    Last month I invited you to think about change with regard to a voter. The first invitation for your thinking was regarding why some people are floating voters and some are not. It doesn’t seem too big a stretch to think about it being influence from their family of origin and upbringing. Sometimes people will develop very strong fixed views about their own politics which is in keeping with their families, and sometime it is in opposition to them. There are many, many subtle and unconscious factors at play which have an affect on whether you adopt your families ‘culture’, or grow to oppose it. So the idea that because some people adopt and some people oppose any particular given aspect of family means that is random is wrong, but hard to prove, because there are so many factors at play. You could google ‘attachment theory’ on the internet, and you would find that some people develop as securely attached and some as insecurely attached. When you understand the details around how these attachment styles (and there are others) develop, you would understand that this isn’t random either.

    Next month, I will talk more about these complex variables, but before then, I wanted to say something about the second query I left you with.. what are the implications for the therapist the voter wants help from to change their voting tendencies (floating or fixed)? There are two major implications. Firstly, it feels impossible doesn’t it - to get someone to be a lifetime conservative voter from now on if they have always been floating voter? Or to get a staunch Labour voter to contemplate floating over to the ‘right’. How would you do it? When we appreciate that our personalities, character traits and values are essentially hard wired in, you begin to see the challenge.

    Although we are looking at a request for help that I can’t imagine ever being asked for, the principles around the difficulty are never these real, and widely applicable. The next implication for the therapist is a dilemma. Clearly, a part of this client is attached to one position (be it floating or fixed) and another part of this client wants to change it. The words we use to communicate just don’t do justice to the complexity of human nature - who is the client? Is it the one who ‘speaks’ say they want to change their voting habits, or the one that ‘acts’ to keep them the same? Which one of them should the therapist support? As this blog continues, we will uncover more about the complexity of ‘us’, and the implied complications for therapy! Until next time…

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